Noorulain Aqeel, MD., DFAPA
Noorulain Aqeel, MD., DFAPA, is a staff Psychiatrist at the Department of Health, Napa State Hospital, California since 2003. He is triple Board Certified in Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine and Geriatric Psychiatry. He is continuously involved in research and has multiple publications. He has also served as a chair of the Pharmacy & Therapeutic Committee and is currently a member of Psychopharmacology Advisory Committee for State Hospitals of California. Recently, he was recognized as a Distinguished fellow by American Psychiatric Association.
He is a faculty in the Psychiatry Residency Training Program at Napa/St. Joseph Medical Center and serves as an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at California Northstate University, College of Medicine and at Touro University California, College of Osteopathic Medicine. In free time, Dr. Aqeel loves to do gardening, cooking, traveling and spending time with family.
Publications and Presentations
- Aqeel, Noorulain., Burney Waqas MD, Khatri, Aneezeh BA, Aqeel Ammar MD; Chronic Anxiety Disorder leading to Achalasia,A Case Report.” (publication in process 2021)
- Aqeel, Noorulain MD, “Cultural and Psychosocial Challenges Faced by International Medical Graduates. Book Chapter. Book Title, “International Medical Graduates in USA. Springer Publication December 2020
- Tohid, H., Shenefelt, P., Burney, W.A., & Aqeel, N. (2017). Psychodermatology: An association of primary psychiatric disorders with skin. Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatria. doi: https://doi.org/10/10.1016/j.rcp.2017.07.002
- Rutkofsky, I., Khan, A., Sahito, S., Aqeel, N., & Tohid, H. (2017). The neuropsychiatry of dissociative identity disorder (DID). Why many DID patients switch personalities and forget about the previous personality while under the influence of one personality. The Neuropsychiatry of Dissociative Identity Disorder. 8(267). doi:10.4172/2157-7013. 1000267
- Aqeel, N., Aqeel, A., & Tohid, H. (2016). A strange case of agoraphobia: A case study. Quality in Primary Care, 65(5), 227-230
- Tohid, H., Tohid, S, Hameed, S., Hamzam M., Shahbaz, N., Naim, T.,…Aqeel, N., Bourgeois, J. (2016), Psychotropic drugs and skin: An association. Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences, 2(9).
- Arunpongpaisal S, Ahmed,I., Aqeel, N., & Paholpak, S. (2003). Antipsychotic drug treatment for the elderly people with late-onset schizophrenia. The Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, 2, Art: CD 004162
- Prigerson, H.G., Irshad, I., Silverman, G., Aqeel, N., & Hamirani, M. (2002). Rates and risks of complicated grief in psychiatric clinic patients. Death Studies, 26, 781-792
- Aqeel, N. (2002, February). Efficacy in ECT in elderly. Grand Rounds Presentation, Brown University School of Medicine, Providence RI.
- Aqeel, N. (2001). Agoraphobia in the elderly: A case report. Butler Hospital Case Conference. Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI.
- Irshad, I., Aqeel, N., & Prigerson H.G. (2000, November). Consensus criteria for traumatic grief assessed among patients in a psychiatric clinic. Poster session presented at the American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, MA.
- Ahmed, I., Aqeel, N, Halls S, & Roberts L. (2000, October). Intercessory prayers for the alleviation of ill Health. Poster session presented at the Institute on Psychiatric Service American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA. 2000
- Aqeel, N., Adams, C., & Sultana, N (1998, May). Randomized Control Trials in 1968, 1978, and 1988. A cohort study. Poster session presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
- Kaupke, C.J., Aqeel, N., Zhang, J., Cesario, T., Yousefi, S., & Vaziri, ND. (1996). Effect of hemodialysis on leukocyte adhesion receptor expression. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 27(2), 244-252